Precision Software Appli…tions Silver Collection 4
Precision Software Applications Silver Collection Volume 4 (1993).iso
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DOS Batch File
267 lines
echo off
set temp=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
if "%temp"=="" goto outofenv
set temp=
goto doit
echo Sorry -- there is not enough DOS environment space to continue with
echo installation. If you are running Windows, exit Windows and try again.
echo If you're not running Windows, you can either increase your environment
echo size or install manually. To increase your environment size under DOS
echo 3.2 and later, include a line similar to
echo SHELL=C:\COMMAND.COM /e:1024 /p
echo in your CONFIG.SYS file, then reboot your computer.
echo To install manually, see INSTALL.DOC.
goto fin
getans Are you updating Ample Notice from a previous version? (Y,N)
if not errorlevel 1 goto version
echo See the file AN2TO3.DOC for update instructions. Would you like
getans to print this file (just a couple of pages) now? (Y,N)
if not errorlevel 1 goto display
echo Turn on printer and
printman an2to3.doc
goto update
echo Update instructions will be displayed on the screen. To view
echo these instructions later, enter PAGE AN2TO3.DOC. To obtain a
echo printed version, enter PRINTMAN AN2TO3.DOC.
getans Continue with installation? (Y,N)
if errorlevel 1 goto version
goto fin
getans ~V
if errorlevel 1 goto 5
echo Sorry! Automatic installation does not work on DOS 3.0. Please type
echo PAGE INSTALL.DOC to see how to install Ample Notice yourself.
goto fin
set h=y
if "%1"=="" goto noarg
set s=%1
goto 110
rem No argument given; get it...
getans ~A On which disk will Ample Notice be installed? (A,B,...)
if errorlevel 2 goto 20
set d=A:
goto 100
if errorlevel 3 goto 30
set d=B:
goto 100
if errorlevel 4 goto 40
set d=C:
goto 100
if errorlevel 5 goto 50
set d=D:
goto 100
if errorlevel 6 goto 5
set d=E:
set s=%d%
rem is it a hard drive?
getans Is %d% a hard drive? (Y,N)
if errorlevel 1 goto 105
set h=n
goto 110
set s=%d%\AN3
echo Ample Notice will be installed in %s%.
getans OK? (Y,N)
if errorlevel 1 goto copy
echo Type ANSETUP again, followed by the drive and subdirectory you wish to
echo use. Example: ANSETUP B: or ANSETUP C:\CAL
goto fin
rem copy files
if %h%==n goto 115
echo Ignore 'Unable to create directory' message...
md %s%
echo off
echo Select printer type:
echo .
echo 1. Epson 9-pin or compatible
echo 2. Epson 24-pin or compatible
echo 3. HP LaserJet or compatible
echo 4. Okidata microline 192
echo 5. IBM Proprinter (9-pin)
echo 6. Toshiba
echo 7. Other (If you choose this option, edit CONFIG.CAL later to describe your
echo printer. Until you do this, only limited printing will be available.)
echo .
getans ~N Enter number:
if errorlevel 2 goto 520
goto 500
if errorlevel 3 goto 530
echo ;Epson 24-pin >>%s%\config.cal
echo Prefix 3,27,83,1,27,51,15,15 >>%s%\config.cal
echo Prefix 4,27,83,1,27,51,15,15 >>%s%\config.cal
goto 500
if errorlevel 4 goto 540
echo ;LaserJet II and compatible >>%s%\config.cal
echo Dimensions 1,80,80,6,2 >>%s%\config.cal
echo Prefix 1,27,69,27,40,115,51,84,27,38,108,56,68,27,40,49,48,85,27,40,115,49,50,72 >>%s%\config.cal
echo Reset 1,27,69 >>%s%\config.cal
echo HeaderStart 1,27,40,115,49,83 >>%s%\config.cal
echo HeaderEnd 1,27,40,115,48,83 >>%s%\config.cal
echo Dimensions 2,120,80,6,3 >>%s%\config.cal
echo Reset 2,27,69 >>%s%\config.cal
echo Prefix 2,27,69,27,40,115,48,116,49,54,46,54,54,72,27,40,49,48,85,27,38,108,56,68 >>%s%\config.cal
echo HeaderStart 2,27,38,100,48,68 >>%s%\config.cal
echo HeaderEnd 2,27,38,100,64 >>%s%\config.cal
echo Dimensions 3,120,96,6,3 >>%s%\config.cal
echo Reset 3,27,69 >>%s%\config.cal
echo Prefix 3,27,69,27,40,115,48,116,49,54,46,54,54,72,27,40,49,48,85,27,38,108,53,67 >>%s%\config.cal
echo HeaderStart 3,27,38,100,48,68 >>%s%\config.cal
echo HeaderEnd 3,27,38,100,64 >>%s%\config.cal
echo Dimensions 4,91,65,6,2 >>%s%\config.cal
echo Reset 4,27,69 >>%s%\config.cal
echo Prefix 4,27,69,27,40,115,48,116,49,54,46,54,54,72,27,40,49,48,85,27,38,108,53,67 >>%s%\config.cal
echo HeaderStart 4,27,38,100,48,68 >>%s%\config.cal
echo HeaderEnd 4,27,38,100,64 >>%s%\config.cal
goto 500
if errorlevel 5 goto 550
echo ;Okidata Microline 192 >>%s%\config.cal
echo HeaderStart 1,27,33,47 >>%s%\config.cal
echo HeaderEnd 1,27,33,42 >>%s%\config.cal
echo Prefix 1,28,27,49,27,33,50 >>%s%\config.cal
echo Dimensions 1,82,60,7,2 >>%s%\config.cal
echo Reset 1,27,24 >>%s%\config.cal
echo HeaderStart 2,27,33,47 >>%s%\config.cal
echo HeaderEnd 2,27,33,42 >>%s%\config.cal
echo Prefix 2,29,27,56,27,33,50 >>%s%\config.cal
echo Dimensions 2,120,88,8,3 >>%s%\config.cal
echo Reset 2,27,24 >>%s%\config.cal
echo HeaderStart 3,27,33,47 >>%s%\config.cal
echo HeaderEnd 3,27,33,42 >>%s%\config.cal
echo Prefix 3,29,27,37,57,12,27,33,50 >>%s%\config.cal
echo Dimensions 3,120,115,8,3 >>%s%\config.cal
echo Reset 3,27,24 >>%s%\config.cal
echo HeaderStart 4,27,33,47 >>%s%\config.cal
echo HeaderEnd 4,27,33,42 >>%s%\config.cal
echo Prefix 4,29,27,37,57,12,27,33,50 >>%s%\config.cal
echo Dimensions 4,92,78,8,2 >>%s%\config.cal
echo Reset 4,27,24 >>%s%\config.cal
goto 500
if errorlevel 6 goto 560
echo ;IBM Proprinter >>%s%\config.cal
echo HeaderStart 1,27,45,1 >>%s%\config.cal
echo HeaderEnd 1,27,45,0 >>%s%\config.cal
echo HeaderStart 2,27,45,1 >>%s%\config.cal
echo HeaderEnd 2,27,45,0 >>%s%\config.cal
echo HeaderStart 3,27,45,1 >>%s%\config.cal
echo HeaderEnd 3,27,45,0 >>%s%\config.cal
echo HeaderStart 4,27,45,1 >>%s%\config.cal
echo HeaderEnd 4,27,45,0 >>%s%\config.cal
goto 500
if errorlevel 7 goto 570
echo ;Toshiba >>%s%\config.cal
echo BorderStyle 0 >>%s%\config.cal
echo Dimensions 1,80,60,6,2 >>%s%\config.cal
echo Prefix 1,27,42,49 >>%s%\config.cal
echo Reset 1,12,27,26,73 >>%s%\config.cal
echo HeaderStart 1,27,73 >>%s%\config.cal
echo HeaderEnd 1,27,74 >>%s%\config.cal
echo Dimensions 2,80,80,6,2 >>%s%\config.cal
echo Prefix 2,27,42,49,27,30,6 >>%s%\config.cal
echo Reset 2,12,27,26,73 >>%s%\config.cal
echo HeaderStart 2,27,73 >>%s%\config.cal
echo HeaderEnd 2,27,74 >>%s%\config.cal
echo Dimensions 3,120,80,6,3 >>%s%\config.cal
echo Prefix 3,27,42,48,27,91,27,30,6 >>%s%\config.cal
echo Reset 3,12,27,26,73 >>%s%\config.cal
echo HeaderStart 3,27,73 >>%s%\config.cal
echo HeaderEnd 3,27,74 >>%s%\config.cal
echo Dimensions 4,85,55,6,2 >>%s%\config.cal
echo Prefix 4,27,42,48,27,91,27,30,6 >>%s%\config.cal
echo Reset 4,12,27,26,73 >>%s%\config.cal
echo HeaderStart 4,27,73 >>%s%\config.cal
echo HeaderEnd 4,27,74 >>%s%\config.cal
goto 500
if errorlevel 8 goto 115
echo ;Generic (probably needs editing) >>%s%\config.cal
echo BorderStyle 0 >>%s%\config.cal
echo Dimensions 1,66,60,4,2 >>%s%\config.cal
echo Prefix 1 >>%s%\config.cal
echo Reset 1,12 >>%s%\config.cal
echo HeaderStart 1 >>%s%\config.cal
echo HeaderEnd 1 >>%s%\config.cal
echo Dimensions 2,66,60,4,2 >>%s%\config.cal
echo Prefix 2 >>%s%\config.cal
echo Reset 2,12 >>%s%\config.cal
echo HeaderStart 2 >>%s%\config.cal
echo HeaderEnd 2 >>%s%\config.cal
echo Dimensions 3,66,60,4,2 >>%s%\config.cal
echo Prefix 3 >>%s%\config.cal
echo Reset 3,12 >>%s%\config.cal
echo HeaderStart 3 >>%s%\config.cal
echo HeaderEnd 3 >>%s%\config.cal
echo Dimensions 4,66,60,4,2 >>%s%\config.cal
echo Prefix 4 >>%s%\config.cal
echo Reset 4,12 >>%s%\config.cal
echo HeaderStart 4 >>%s%\config.cal
echo HeaderEnd 4 >>%s%\config.cal
echo Notes %s%\notes >>%s%\config.cal
echo Archive %s%\archive.cal >>%s%\config.cal
echo HelpFile %s%\an.hlp >>%s%\config.cal
copy an.exe %s%
copy alarm.com %s%
copy an.hlp %s%
if exist %s%\notes goto 6
getans Do you want dates in European format (day/month/year)? (Y,N)
if not errorlevel 1 goto copynotes
copy notes.eur %s%\notes
echo European >>%s%\config.cal
goto 125
copy notes %s%
goto 125
echo The file %s%\NOTES already exists and will not be overwritten. You may
echo need to change your NOTES file; see READ.ME for details.
rem copy other pertinent files
copy aninst.exe %s%
if %h%==n goto 126
rem This is a hard drive -- let's copy documentation, etc.
copy an.doc %s%
copy an2to3.doc %s%
copy describe.doc %s%
copy register.doc %s%
copy license.doc %s%
copy outside.exe %s%
copy read.me %s%
copy printman.com %s%
copy page.com %s%
echo .
echo We recommend that you put %s% in your DOS path and that ALARM be
echo added to your AUTOEXEC.BAT file. Would you like us to do this for you?
getans (Y,N)
if not errorlevel 1 goto 10
aninst -A %s%
echo Ample Notice installation complete.